
Khamis, 19 Februari 2015


we wish all our Chinese Friends and associates around the world a Happy and Prosperous New Year which falls February 19, 2015. May you return safely home for the traditional dinner. It is wonderful to be among family and friends to usher in the New Year. It is a special feeling to be home with your family. There is nothing like family and that is why your annual dinner on the eve of the New Year has so much meaning. It is also an opportunity to pay your respect to your elders.

We have enjoyed interacting with you on this blog and on Facebook. Your comments and ideas have been useful and educational to us in particular. If only our government leaders listen and take heed of our concerns and act for national unity, Malaysia will be a wonderful place.

We have made many friends via internet. We wish very much to meet you in person to express our warm greetings on this great occasion. That is not possible because you are widely dispersed across the globe. But we hope our message of goodwill and friendship via this blog will suffice. Cheers. Gong Xi Fa Chai.

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